
I can do this. I am experienced enough to do this. I am knowledgeable enough to do this. I am prepared enough to do this. I am mature enough to do this. I am brave enough to do this.

Apophenia, the general tendency of our minds to make meaning out of the meaningless.

And it was warm.

What do we want to want?

I'm hanging off a ledge Fingers slipping, Knuckles locked in fear I don't dare look below.

But the cliff isn't that high. When I fall Barely a moment will pass And I'd feel the warm earth under my feet.

I know all this, Yet I can't let go.

Rational Anxious Heart Quiet

There is no chess match when multiple universes stretch and frown and squat to shit; when the existence of parallel realities in physics proves that tragedy and comedy, love and hate, life and death, were never really opposites; when language and being and knowing themselves are revealed to have been blinded by dumb binaries.

Run towards the darkness, sweet peas, and shine.

Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place.


All opposites, All dichotomies Are false, sans time.

Life over time becomes death, Love becomes loss, And perhaps also hate.

Tragedy to comedy. Light to darkness. Misery unto strength.

Everything can become nothing, Over time. Give it time.


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